
Flight Timetable


2024/3/31 – 10/26

出発便:茨城→札幌Departure flight: Ibaraki – Sapporo离境航班:茨城→札幌離境航班:茨城→札幌출발편:이바라키→삿포로
便名Flight No.航班号航班號碼편명 茨城空港 発From Ibaraki Airport从茨城机场從茨城機場이바라키공항 출발 新千歳空港 着To New Chitose Airport到达新千岁机场到達新千歲機場신치토세공항 도착 運航日Flight date航班日期航班日期운항 일
SKY791 8:50 10:15 毎日Every day毎天毎天매일
SKY795 18:40 20:00 毎日Every day毎天毎天매일
到着便:札幌→茨城Arrival flight: Sapporo – Ibaraki到达航班:札幌→茨城到達航班:札幌→茨城도착편:삿포로→이바라키
便名Flight No.航班号航班號碼편명 新千歳空港 発From New Chitose Airport从新千岁机场從新千歲機場신치토세공항 출발 茨城空港 着To Ibaraki Airport到达茨城机场到達茨城機場이바라키공항 도착 運航日Flight date航班日期航班日期운항 일
SKY790 8:55 10:20 毎日Every day毎天毎天매일
SKY794 17:45 19:10 毎日Every day毎天毎天매일

Airline: Skymark Airlines (BC)

Aircraft Type: B737 (177seats)

Reservation and flight information

Navi Dial 0570-039-283 (8:00-20:30 Every day)

The special phone service for last-minute reservations

Navi Dial 0570-055-283 (8:00-20:30 Every day)

  • Navi Dial costs 8.5 yen/3 minutes from a fixed phone, and 10 yen/20 seconds from a mobile phone (uniform rates throughout the country).
  • The special phone service for last-minute reservations is only for customers wishing to make a flight reservation on the day of or one day before departure. Please make any same-day reservations at least one hour before boarding.
In case Navi Dial is not available on IP phone


Skymark Airlines website