Boarding and flights

Q1:How many hours before departure do we need to get to the airport?

A:Please check in at least 1 hour before boarding with SPRING AIRLINES and Tigerair and also please check in at least 30 minutes before boarding with SKYMARK AIRLINES.
You can check in 2 hours before the departure with any airlines at Ibaraki airport.
It is easier to navigate the compact Ibaraki Airport than Haneda or Narita Airport, but please visit the check-in counter well ahead of departure.

Q2:Where can we buy a flight ticket?

A:To purchase a ticket, please visit the respective airline’s website, call their reservation center, or contact a travel agency.The Ibaraki Airport website has information on tour products.

Skymark Reservation

Spring Airlines

The reservation of Tiger air

Q3:Can we buy a flight ticket inside the airport?

A:A ticket can be bought on the day of departure if there is a vacant seat on the flight. For Skymark Airlines, a ticket can be bought at the Skymark check-in counter with cash or credit card, at least one hour before boarding. For Spring Airlines, please buy a ticket at their check-in counter before the check-in procedure is completed, with cash or credit card.
You can purchase your flight ticket only SPRING AIRLINES and SKYMARK AIRLINES at the counter in the airport.

Q4:Where can we get flight information during typhoons or other bad weather?

A:Please check with the respective airline, or on their website.

Q5:Boarding ramps are used for boarding. What boarding measures are available for wheelchair users?

A:Wheelchair users can board by way of the elevator.
Please inform the airline or travel agency of such special requirements when reserving a flight ticket or tour product.

Q6:How much baggage can be brought on the airplane?

A:About baggage policy
Please ask about baggage policy to the each airline or check the airline’s official website.

About baggage of SKYMARK AIRLINES

About baggage of SPRING AIRLINES

About baggage of Tiger air